Hello Everyone hers you need to know before you start windows platform developing to prepare your Machine Hyper-V, Emulator.
Step 1: Prerequisites
The following prerequisites are required to successfully run Client Hyper-V on Windows 8.1:
- Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit Operating System
- 64 bit processor with Second Level Address Translation (SLAT)
- 4GB system RAM at minimum
- BIOS-level Hardware Virtualization support
Step 2: Setting Up Hyper-V
- Ensure that hardware virtualization support is turned on in the BIOS settings.
- Save the BIOS settings and boot up the machine normally,
- At the Start Screen, swipe the right hand side of the screen and select the Search Charm.
- Type turn windows features on or off and select that item
5. Select and enable Hyper-V
- If Hyper-V was not previously enabled, reboot the machine to apply the change. NOTE: As a best practice, it’s a good idea to configure networking for the Hyper-V environment to support external network connections. Ensure that a virtual switch has been created and is functional.
- Open the Virtual Switch Manager, found on the Actions panel in the Hyper-V Manager, by typing Hyper-V at the Start
- Select “Virtual Switch Manager” in the Actions pane.
- Ensure that “External” is highlighted, and then click on the “Create Virtual Switch” button.
- If more than one NIC in is present, ensure that the proper NIC is selected for use on the VM external network
NOTE: There are a great deal of other options and features that can be configure. This Step-By-Step provides a good starting point and is all that is needed to start creating and using VMs on Window 8 Pro.